Wigs have become a necessity in daily life, and more and more people wear wigs. People expect the hairline of a wig to look as natural as a bionic hairline, and also want other details to look like real hair. So, do you know how to bleach a wig? In this article, we summarized four points to note.
Step 1 - Prepare The Lace Wig
Get your lace wig ready before you start making the bleach mixture. Make sure the lace wig fits snugly against the mannequin's head. Or, if you don't have one, attach it to anything with a soft surface, like a foam head. Also pay attention to the baby hair on the wig. When you bleach the knots on your wig, be sure to cut them off. Otherwise, they may be bleached along with the knot.Then, after attaching the lace wig properly, start spraying the roots with water. If water leaks or runs to the roots of your hair, the water will protect the roots from bleach.

Step 2 - Prepare the Bleach Mixture
Before you start mixing bleach, be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from harmful chemicals. When wearing gloves, use hair bleach and a professional developer. Check out the instructions for how much to put in the making mixture. If no measurements are shown, follow the general rule of 1:1 scale. Mix them well. You'll know if the two ingredients are well mixed when the consistency of the mixture is very thick. If it's still a little runny or watery, keep stirring until you get the desired consistency.
Note: Do not bleach the knots on the wig while the mixture is still runny. It just steeps up to the root of the wig and could damage it.

Step 3 - Lightly bleach the knots on the wig
Cover the bleached knots with aluminum foil and let stand for 30 minutes. But check your hair from time to time, as some wigs can be bleached in as little as 15 minutes. You have to keep track of the time to avoid over-bleaching the knot.

Step 4 - Rinse and wash bleached knots

We hope you can have a more detailed understanding of wigs after reading this article, and can also be more interested in wigs. If you need high quality and beautiful wigs, please click Malindahair.com to unlock more innovative styles. We are committed to creating a light, transparent and firm nano-lace and natural bionic hairline, hoping to bring you a better experience.